Seldonian ML
Coming soon
Major features planned for Spring 2023 release, in order of priority:
Hoeffding's concentration inequality bounding method. This will enable running true Seldonian algorithms (as opposed to quasi-Seldonian algorithms) with the Seldonian Engine.
Multiclass classification - This was implemented in the Engine in version 0.0.8, but is not yet integrated into the Experiments library.
Multiple label columns in a dataset (supervised learning).
Importance sampling variants, such as weighted and per-decision importance sampling. In version alpha, the standard importance sampling estimator is the only primary objective function available for Seldonian reinforcement algorithms.
An automated method for determining optimal data split between candidate data and safety data.
Automatic differentiation using JAX. JAX will be a big upgrade to autograd and should provide significant improvements for many problems. Autograd will remain an option for users who do not wish to install or use JAX.