
Utilities used in the rest of the library


batch_predictions(model, solution, X_test, ...)

Run model forward pass in batches.

batch_predictions_custom_regime(model, ...)

Run model forward pass in batches for the custom regime.

generate_behavior_policy_episodes(...[, verbose])

Utility function for reinforcement learning to generate new episodes using the behavior policy to use in each trial.


Calculate the expected discounted return by generating episodes


Condition for whether a value of g is unsafe.

load_regenerated_episodes(results_dir, ...)

Load the episodes generatd for each experiment trial.

load_resampled_datasets(spec, results_dir, ...)

Utility function for supervised learning to generate the resampled datasets to use in each trial.

make_batch_epoch_dict_fixedniter(niter, ...)

Convenience function for figuring out the number of epochs necessary to ensure that at each data fraction, the total number of iterations (and batch size) will stay fixed.


Convenience function for figuring out the number of epochs necessary to ensure that the number of iterations for each data frac is: max(niter_min,# of iterations such that each sample is seen num_repeat times)

prep_custom_data(trial_dataset, n_points[, ...])

Utility function for preparing data and sensitive attributes for the custom regime for a given trial with n_points (given data frac)

prep_data_for_fairlearn(spec, results_dir, ...)

Utility function for preparing features and labels for a given fairlearn trial.

prep_feat_labels(trial_dataset, n_points[, ...])

Utility function for preparing features and labels for a given trial with n_points (given data frac)

prep_feat_labels_for_baseline(spec, ...)

Utility function for preparing features and labels for a given baseline trial.

setup_SA_spec_for_exp(spec, regime, ...)

Utility function for setting up the spec object to use for a Seldonian algorithm trial

supervised_initial_solution_fn(m, x, y)

A common initial solution function used in supervised learning.

trial_arg_chunker(data_fracs, n_trials, ...)

Convenience function for parallel processing that chunks up the data fractions and trial indices as arguments for use in the map function of a ProcessPoolExecutor.